New- Nautic Alert Tender Watch, Now Available
When a tender breaks away under tow, service and support for passengers and crew are interrupted, resulting in possible loss of the yacht’s tender at sea. In addition, tenders can unknowingly take on water and more. Without instant visibility into real-time systems on board, captains and crew have no way of safeguarding these costly assets…until now.

What Does It Do
Tender Watch delivers instant, unexpected disconnect alerts at the bridge and remotely using the Nautic Alert platform. This enables the captain to monitor tender vitals, including bilge, batteries and security.
Tender Watch establishes a dynamic geofence ascertaining the location of the yacht and tender in one view using bi-directional communication through a secured wireless personal data network between the yacht and the tender. If the tender goes out of the wireless personal network range, the yacht and tender will communicate coordinates via Nautic Alert’s Cloud using the Iridium NEXT global satellite network to maintain real-time location reports.
How Tender Watch Works
A Nautic Alert Insight X2 MFD and an XPulse are located on the tender. These devices communicate wirelessly to another Insight located in the bridge of the mothership. The Insight on the mothership displays all data in categorized, simple to understand applications.

A Nautic Alert wireless range extender is located near the aft of the mothership, to extend wireless connectivity between the Insight on the tender and mothership’s bridge. Wireless communication over open water can exceed a mile or more.
Tender Installation
A completely concealed Iridium Insight can provide stealth tracking from within a compartment, as seen here using an optional bracket mount, or can be flush mounted with other instrument displays. Low profile satellite and GPS antennas are located beneath the ceiling compartment, and communicate by shooting through the roof of the center console. This stealth setup makes drilling holes unnecessary, for crews that change the tender frequently and need to quickly and easily relocate Nautic Alert.
Nautic Alert Insight has the unique advantage of the lowest power consumption MFD in the marine industry, drawing less than 150mA on 12 volts, with the display and satellite connectivity active. This enables the existing rooftop solar panels and house banks more than adequate battery capacity to power all Nautic Alert devices onboard.
Insight provides Iridium NEXT connectivity, anti-theft, vessel tracking, messaging, an anchor alarm, and single bank DC monitoring. With Nautic Alert Cloud Watch, available with an XCaliber Reporting Service Subscription, any attempt to compromise the system or communications is detected and notified within minutes by Nautic Alert’s Cloud.

Insight shown using optional stainless steel mounting bracket. Typically, Insight is flush-mounted.

XPulse In The Bilge
XPulse provides expanded system functions with an extremely easy interface to wire to 4 battery banks, a high-water float switch, a tamper switch for the floor locker, motion intrusion detection on the deck, and shore power monitoring. XPulse wirelessly bridges system functions to the on board Insight, creating a scalable plug-and-play set of additional applications and functions.
XPulse advanced security enables protection of expensive electronics, the outboard engines, and more through advanced perimeter security sensors, such as microwave motion and low-cost FLIR autonomous human detection. An XPulse Plus could be used as well, which provides wireless battery powered microwave motion, tamper switches, and more.